Thursday, January 26, 2012


This can be done in

doctor's office or at home. Flexible sigmoidoscopy

procedure, during which a hollow, lighted levaquin side effects treatment tube is inserted into the rectum to

detect tumors in the lower part of the colon, where most of the tumors appear. This

is recommended every five years after the age of 50, or for people with high

risk. Digital rectal examination is

to make a doctor, but it only detects tumors near the anus. Colonoscopy is also used hollow,

lighted tube called a colonoscope to view the entire large intestine. Colonoscope

allows the doctor to do a biopsy or remove a polyp if it is found. This

is recommended every 5-10 years, or as a follow-up of positive selection. How can I reduce my risk for the

colon cancer? Being physically active, include

at least 30 minutes of exercise or activity each day

graphics. Eat a diet rich in whole

grain, fiber, fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods and excess

Colonoscope cancer death statistics

alcohol. Know your familys cancer

history. If you are over 50 or

family history of colon cancer, get screened annually.

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