Monday, February 20, 2012

The actual deposit involves the provision of ...

BCCM / LMG public collection has more than 22. 000

strains, representing about 380 genera and 2. 700 species, subspecies and pathovars,

connected and comprehensive plant pathogenic bacteria (pseudomonads, xanthomonads,

erwiniae, agrobacteria, coryneforms, etc.), bacteria of medical or veterinary importance


Arcobacter, Campylobacter, Helicobacter,

aeromonads, flavobacteria,

bordetellae, enterococci, streptococci), marine bacteria (


and a variety of biotechnological interest (eg, lactic acid bacteria

and acetic acid bacteria, N2 fixers, clostridia, bacilli, actinomycetes, agrobacteria,

, etc.). Most of the commonly used control tests and bioassay strains are included. BCCM / LMG also distributes a full panel of the experimental strain of Burkholderia

cepacia complex. All tasks, except for deposits of microbial resources to the public strattera 10mg, are considered strictly confidential. Deposit of strains for public access before sending strains, it is advisable to contact BCCM / LMG, to make sure >> << that the material deposited within its scope and technical capabilities. As a deposit, the depositor must complete the appropriate one. Deposits of strains for public access do not have the cost of the depositor. Safe deposit box before sending the strains, it is advisable to contact BCCM / LMG, to make sure >> << that the material deposited within its scope and technical capabilities >>. According << deposit, the depositor must complete the appropriate one. Two options: either the material is deposited

for an indefinite period (which may be terminated by the depositor each year >> << to a month before next year begins), or material deposited on a certain

period of time (which may be extended), see. In the latter case, the deposit appraisal

may be issued. For costs to be. Patent deposit before sending strains

advisable to contact BCCM / LMG, to make sure that the material will be

storage within its scope and technical capabilities. As a deposit, the depositor must complete the form of an international connection and


form of bilateral agreement. The actual deposit involves the provision of 23 freeze-dried samples

the same culture batch. With one or more of them, BCCM / LMG will check viability >> << and purity, and to prepare additional shares of 20 cryopreserved samples. In addition, the investor can only provide three samples (active or freeze-dried)

of which BCCM / LMG will check the feasibility and prepare a stock of cryopreserved samples of 20

, 20 and freeze-dried samples at additional charges. After the BCCM / LMG took the body and confirmed its viability and purity of the

, it will send to the investor or another person specified in the form

BP / 1, has completed an international form BCCM / LMG / BP / 4 (to obtain original Deposit

) and BCCM/LMG/BP/9 (the viability). These documents are proof >> << field. See also detailed. For costs to be. Storage of biological material of a third party: BCCM / LMG takes for the storage of biological material of a third party of any biological material, if it does not belong to the biological group is higher than 2, which can be frozen in liquid nitrogen. Before sending material, it is advisable to contact BCCM / LMG, to make sure that the material will be stored within its scope and technical capabilities. For costs to be. The distribution of strains of strains of the collection available to the public

scientific community in BCCM, if necessary amended with additional conditions

may already be attached to the biological material. For more information on ordering microbial resources click. Refer to search >> << strains you need. Strains of the safe deposit collection are not cataloged

and are only available to the depositor or a third person with the written permission of the depositor

. For costs to be. Distribution patterns of strains deposited under patent purposes depends on the resolution

entitled depositor or industrial property. Strains do not

directory. For costs to be. Accession, control, possession, storage and supply of bacteria and related >> << information through public deposits, safe and patent deposits. Freeze-drying bacterial cultures services of third parties may be submitted to freeze drying in the

BCCM / LMG, if they do not relate to the biological group is higher than 2

and can be grown and freeze-dried using the current standard of BCCM / LMG

protocols. Packages of 10, 20 or more vials may be prepared, and after confirmation

The actual deposit involves the provision of ... 3 bacteria shapes

viability and purity, full of many sent to the customer >>. << For the cost of seeing. Identification, characterization and molecular typing >>

<< bacterial culture techniques for a wide range of input characteristics and / or identification of bacteria


Fenotypic methods: conventional tests using API strips , Biologist

breathprinting, electrophoresis of cellular proteins, gaschromatographic >> << Analysis of cellular fatty acids;

Genomic techniques: DNA fingerprinting (pre-PCR, RAPD, PFGE) in real time

PCR, sequence analysis of 16S rDNA sequence analysis of multilocus homes

storage genes, determination of mol% G + C content in DNA, DNA-DNA hybridization. Methods are selected based on a series of individual tests PRELIMINARY >> << and taking into account the purpose of the job. International, and developed internal databases and productivity software used to optimize data processing and interpretation. Reports can be presented either on or extended in accordance with the instructions >> << customer. Cost estimates on request. Research projects developed by staff to collect and study groups, the host laboratory >> << are mainly focused on the polyphasic approach (with an additional molecular characterization

), aimed at studying the phylogenetic, the identification and fine

input different groups of bacteria within:

Phytobacteriology and bacteriological aspects

sustainable agriculture, agro-forestry and aquaculture

microbial ecology, symbiotic systems, natural soil bacteria

acquired antibiotic resistance, epidemiology << clinical isolates from the >> human or animal

biodegradation and composting, biodegradation

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Paul De Vos

Manager: Public Curator of the collection: Contact person: Laboratorium voor Microbiologie, Universiteit Gent ( UGent)

KL Ledeganckstraat 35

B-9000 Gent (Tel.:. +32- (0) 9-264 51 08

Fax: +32- (. 0) 9-264 53 46

E-mail:. Holidays 2012: BCCM / LMG collection will be closed during the following dates ()

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